Modeling Clubs in Japan

Sailing Ship Modelers’ Club Conference (JSMCC)

The Rope, a renowned organization in ship modeling in Japan, played a pivotal role in expanding this craft by taking an initiative in 2004. They organized the Japan Sailing Ship Modelers' Club Conference (JSMCC) with the aim of fostering mutual exchange of information and knowledge among ship modeling clubs in Japan.

The inaugural ship model exhibition took place in 2009 at the Tokyo Maritime Museum, showcasing over 100 models from 21 ship model clubs across Japan. This exhibition was a resounding success, drawing a substantial number of visitors and generating enthusiasm within the ship modeling community.

Since then, JSMCC has continued to facilitate the exchange of ideas and construction methods between modeling clubs. Currently, JSMCC consists of 15 modeling clubs, with 409 registered memberships (as of May 2023). The direction and management of JSMCC are overseen by the three steering member clubs: The Rope, Yokohama Sailing Ship Modelers Club, and The Rope Osaka.


Poster of JSMCC’s First Exhibition
Poster of JSMCC’s First Exhibition

Locations of Modeling Clubs in Japan
Locations of Modeling Clubs in Japan
 Tohoku ⚓Sendai Sailing Ship Club
⚓Fukushima Sailing Ship Club
 Kanto  My Ship Club
⚓The Rope
Yokohama Sailingship Modelers Club
 Tokai   The Rope Izu
The Rope Nagoya
⚓Model Ship Mate Jib


The Rope Osaka


 San-yo The Rope HIroshima
⚓Shimonoseki Sailing Ship Modeler’s Club Kaikyo
  Kyushu  Sailing Ship of Kitakyushu

⚓The Rope Kyushu 

⚓Ship Modeler's Club "Anchor"